This is important:
The forces standing against a democracy agenda seek to preserve and expand paths to power by shrinking the voting pool rather than winning voters over.
Opinion – Stacey Abrams: Our democracy faced a near-death experience. Here’s how to revive it.
@fgtech My thanks to @mangochutney for bringing this to my attention!
@fgtech it is – and watch how the importance of it will fade gently away for most people … until the next time — short term thinking
@JohnPhilpin I have seen so many people say things like “Democrats better not screw this up.” I feel like telling each one: why would you let them? Stay engaged. Make them keep listening to you.
I mean, your vote is your voice, yes, but also your voice is your voice. Use it.
@fgtech @johnphilpin Exactly this. Tuning out after the elections is what doomed the Democrats in 2010 midterms.
@pratik @fgtech so we all agree – now we just need another few million to get with the program!