Shoot. I thought I was getting the chair with the difficult instructions.

office chair parts with instruction manual titled

If you give your kid a labeler for his birthday…

Things might get out of hand quickly.

The stickers are real! Yay! Yay! Yay! I am unreasonably happy to be getting these.

Lucky’s Coffee Garage: This place has that elusive combination of great coffee and relaxing vibe.

It changes bread and water into tea and cakes

A very special ten-year-old asked his parents for a chocolate cake with orange frosting for his eleventh birthday. His mother found a recipe, procured the ingredients, and baked three layers of chocolate cake in pans borrowed from a friend.

The rest was left as an exercise for his father. His father, it should be noted, has tried many times to make butter cream frosting. Most of those tries have ended in failure. The special ten-year-old’s mother deflected questions from friends and relatives while grating orange zest and providing moral support. The father proceeded to conquer his fears of butter cream frosting. See photo journey below.

You know good things are happening when you have this much butter out.

After repeated nags on macOS with no way to say “no, thanks” to automatic updates (I like to apply them when I choose, thanks) I finally figured out how to stop them. Look for “Microsoft AU Daemon” in System Preferences => Notifications.

Proper Introductions

The cheeky way I started this blog doesn’t really tell anyone who I am or why you might be interested in reading.

I just composed my “about me” text for (a micro bio?) and thought it would be good to share it directly here for anyone reading this elsewhere on the web.

I believe it matters how we use our technology. There’s a right way and a wrong way.

I have made a living from web-related technologies in some form since 1995. My work now supports biological research in ways that I hope will make the world and the web a better place.

Pronouns: he/him. (The beard gives it away in person.) I am a radical feminist, so would not be offended to have my writing mistaken for a woman’s.

I live in Hanover, New Hampshire. Most days I can be found flitting around Lyme and other parts of the Upper Valley. Occasionally visit Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and Saint Louis.

Blog software is currently WordPress with IndieWeb plugins.